Who’s The Boss?
Who’s The Boss?

Who’s The Boss?

I’m wrestling with Psalm 127:1 … again.

It says, “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.”

I’ve wrestled with this verse for as long as I can remember, especially in my former life as a ministry leader. In those days, each time I read this verse, I was challenged to confront whether the thing I was leading at the time was actually a house that the Lord wanted to build.

And if the organisation I led was indeed a house the Lord wanted to build, then was I actually allowing him to build the darn thing?

Of course, it was pure coincidence that I would wrestle most with this verse when money was tight and the organisation struggled.

Fast forward to now, and I’m asking myself the same questions.

You see, I’ve set up a coaching and consulting business. It’s early days. Still, I wonder if my business is a house the Lord wants to build (sometimes, I’m not sure), and if so, is the Lord actually building it?

The wrestle happens because of my humanity and pride and stuff. I’m almost compelled to take over, to try and do it myself. It’s as though I know better than God (who happens to be THE master builder) how to build a business, grow an organisation, lead a team, transform lives.

But, for me, this question comes with a troubling element of uncertainty. If God is the one who builds the house, then where do I fit in? Does he even need me?

I wonder if you have the same wrestle.

No doubt, I’m the only one.

Still, for what it’s worth, here’s what I’m learning.

God doesn’t need me to complete his mission. Remarkably though, he wants me to be a part of what He is doing in the world, and my little enterprise is a part of his plan. But here’s the catch. Jesus is the CEO, and my role is to do what he instructs me to do.


At least, that resolves the question of where I fit in.

Now all that remains is for me to figure out who’s the boss.

Reflection Time

  1. What spiritual practices and disciplines have you built into your life that help you partner with God to fulfil his mission?
  2. How do you reconcile following Jesus’ instructions with your God-given capacity for free will, initiative, and decision-making?

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