Dare Greatly Coaching



no off-the-shelf solutions, and no working at arm’s length… we brainstorm, imagine, and build alongside our clients.

You’re the leader of a church, a Christian mission, or maybe a not-for-profit. I can serve you in a range of key areas that will help you lead well and build a transformational organisation. I don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach. I start by listening and asking focused questions to discover and explore the problem to be solved.

So let’s get started.


Coaching is all about you first, before your organisation.

Our approach will help you discover the PLANS God has for you, while building your skills and confidence. Articulate your VALUES and realign every part of your life and lifestyle with the mission of God — not just what you are doing, but who you are. Identify the BIG STEPS that must be taken to get you where you’re going. Confidently TAKE ACTION, knowing you’ll have a guide to help you stay on track.


We are committed to your mission. When we work together, our goal is to help you create imaginative solutions to your most complicated problems. We have a compassionate, mission-focused consulting approach that reveals actionable insights about your organisation’s structure, people and processes.


Discover the PLANS God has for you, your family, your team and your community. Articulate your VALUES, and realign every part of your life and lifestyle with the mission of God — not just what you are doing, but who you are. Identify the BIG STEPS that must be taken to get you where you’re going. Confidently TAKE ACTION, knowing you’ll have a guide to help you stay on track.


Find Your Purpose. Transform Lives.