Dare Greatly Coaching
Client Success Stories.

Client Success Stories.

During the latter part of last year, the Station raised more than $64,000, the best result to date for a fundraising campaign.

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Having Ivan as a coach has helped to confirm a lot of my thinking and encouraged me to keep thinking about how to move things… READ MORE “Moving Forward”

Letitia Shelton
City Women

Working with Ivan helped me to refocus on my ministry at the church. We talked things through and got specific about what I was going… READ MORE “Ps Rob Edwards”

Ps Rob Edwards
Peace Lutheran Church Gatton

Every CEO needs someone to chat with, run ideas by, or just get a good old-fashioned kick up the bum from someone outside of your… READ MORE “Michael Boland”

Michael Boland

I need to say, you are good for me. Thanks for making my brain grow in my perception of things. And thanks for helping me find… READ MORE “Debbie Dodds”

Debbie Dodds
Rahab Toowoomba

Our leadership team benefited immensely from the time we spent with Ivan Green.  His leadership experience and his ability to communicate that with authenticity and… READ MORE “Sam Jackson”

Sam Jackson
Toowoomba Community Baptist Church