Dare Greatly Coaching
About Ivan.

About Ivan.

Hi there…

I’ve been married to Janine for more than 30 years and ‘dadda’ to two amazing young men. I’m a person who feels deeply, loves loudly, fails spectacularly, and never quits!

I’m also a follower of Christ!

I have more than 25 years’ worth of deep expertise in community broadcasting, not-for-profit organisational development, and executive leadership.

Plus, I’m a CoachNet® accredited coach. I have a Master of Leadership degree, a Graduate Certificate in Leadership Coaching and a Graduate Certificate in Pastoral Theology, all from the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM).

So, whether it’s one-on-one coaching, team development, organisational development and capacity building, fundraising, or defining your purpose, vision and strategy… I’ve got you covered.

Oh… and I don’t believe in taking a “one size fits all” approach. I listen and ask questions, and I explore the problem to be solved. Only then can I offer a solution that will add value to your corporate and personal mission.

I can’t wait to sit down with you and have a chat.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…

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Coaching is all about you first, before your organisation. Our approach will help you discover, develop, and implement God’s plans for you, build your skills, competency and confidence, and live a more balanced and abundant life.


As your consultant, I become the partner who works with you to help your organisation flourish. Together, we will build your organisation’s capacity to meet the needs of your community and achieve the mission God has given you.


Facilitation guides your organisation on a journey from uncertainty to clarity. Our strategy and team development workshops are engaging and invigorating for participants while yielding tangible, real-world results for your organisation.

Who We’ve Worked With.